A Traitor Writer

Posted by Franisz Ginting

Dan engkau, anak manusia, janganlah takut melihat mereka maupun mendengarkan kata-katanya, biarpun engkau di tengah-tengah onak dan duri dan engkau tinggal dekat kalajengking. Janganlah takut mendengarkan kata-kata mereka dan janganlah gentar melihat mukanya, sebab mereka adalah kaum pemberontak. Sampaikanlah perkataan-perkataan-Ku kepada mereka, baik mereka mau mendengarkan atau tidak, sebab mereka adalah pemberontak… Seperti batu intan, yang lebih keras dari pada batu Kuteguhkan hatimu; janganlah takut kepada mereka dan janganlah gentar melihat mukanya, sebab mereka adalah kaum pemberontak. Selanjutnya firman-Nya kepadaku: "Hai anak manusia, perhatikanlah segala perkataan-Ku yang akan Kufirmankan kepadamu dan berikanlah telingamu kepadanya. Mari, pergilah dan temuilah orang-orang buangan, teman sebangsamu, berbicaralah kepada mereka dan katakanlah: Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH; baik mereka mau mendengarkan atau tidak."
Yehezkiel 2:6-7; 3:9-11

It is rare a writer who is afraid. A traitor always fears, but a good writer, I seldom to acknowledge him or her is afraid. He or she just tells (write) what God has told them to say (v. 2:7). The outcome or the response from the readers depends on their decision, not on the writer.
A traitor writer is the one who is writing no truth. But, we should rejoice about this. For the defenders will come and write the truth. So, the gospel may be spread and shared to people as many as from the traitor writer. Henry D. Thoreau said, “Rather than peace, than love, than money, give me truth.”
A traitor writer is also the one who doesn’t write what he supposes to write or what God has told him or her to say. He or she is also not eager or lazy to write it. He or she doesn’t use his and her energy. Sometimes rasa kenyang (feel stuffed) is only in your mindso is with laziness. First you lead your mind, then it leads you.
On the contrary, a good and a great writer is never afraid. Although he or she is not in fears-free life, he or she faces the fear. Good or great writers are not afraid whether in their writings or in their life. They just write what God ordered them to do and what they suppose to write (v. 2:6-7; 3:9-10). An Arabian proverb says, “A brave man dies only once. A coward dies a thousand times.” A traitor writer is always afraid. A good and great writer is never afraid.

A Writing Within Us

Posted by Franisz Ginting

Dan apa yang telah Franisz pelajari, terima, dengar, dan lihat dari mentor-mentor Franisz, lakukanlah itu. Allah sumber damai sejahtera akan menyertai Franisz.

Phillipians 4:9, paraphrase

Sometimes we long to write, and not do. Thomas á Kempis said, “The more you know and the better you understand, the more severely will you be judged, unless your life is also the more holy. Do not be proud, therefore, because of your learning or skill. Rather, fear because of the talent given you. If you think you know many things and understand them well enough, realize at the same time that there is much you do not know. Hence, do not affect wisdom, but admit your ignorance. Why prefer yourself to anyone else when many are more learned, more cultured than you?” Do your writing. When all is written and done, God will be with you (v. 9b).

You have known “all things”. You have written “many things”. You have heard “a lot of things”. But, many words cannot quench our thirst. Thomas á Kempis also said, “Many words do not satisfy the soul. But a good life eases the mind and a clean conscience inspires great trust in God.” Until we do what we knew, God is likely not being with usalthough He is always accompanying us.

Though meaning is more important than money, works are the same necessary with words. Some people consider works are more important than words. But, the written words are equal to the deeds.

Beyond the Border..

Posted by Franisz Ginting

What would come to your mind if you see a 56 years-old grandpa learning new language which is not common for him? Do you think he makes silly thing, and don't you think he's too old to learn it...?

First time I heard and read that story is when coincidentally I'm in my way of learning my new language... Castellano...

I'm a 27 years-old woman, dreaming about going to another part of the world, taking my specialty in ophthalmology.. Sounds great, doesn't it? But many times I doubt about being able to speak and being understood by whom I speak to, concerning my age in learning Spanish.

Scientists said that the best age in learning new language is in the age of 14-16. Unconsciously, it becomes some kind of border to everyone over 14 years-old in learning new language.

Me, myself, have proven that even if we had learned other language, which is not our mother language since 13 years-old, we wouldn't have the ability to speak it out fluently in the age of 27 if we were lack of verve in learning that language.

We may consider the result of many researches around the world about human abilities. But, we can't forget that there's a power bigger than our logically thought that helps us to walk beyond the border...

The result depends on our way of thinking..

I still can't prove that in my age I will be able to learn Spanish quickly. But at least, I can encourage myself by believing that I won't deal with it by myself... I have the Holy Spirit guiding me in learning every new things based on His will. That faith will bring me to another good things of learning something, which is positive attitude.

Positive attitude doesn't depend on the situation surround you... It depends on how good your relationship with God.

Positive attitude gives us strength in dealing with failure, which is common in our learning process. It will give us power to not give up until we reach our goal in learning the things we desire.

Be brave to walk beyond the border...

Feed your spirit...

Posted by Franisz Ginting

The spirit inside you is need to feed..
You can't just let it being neglected..
For when it's forgotten.. you are the only one who will suffer.

Feed your spirit..
Its wealth impact on every aspect of your whole life..
It is the power beyond the Verve
It is the reason to keep on moving without complaining..

It brings hope.. joy.. strength.. to your every day life..

Feed your spirit by the words of God..
Don't let it starving

Learn A New Language, Get A New Soul

Posted by Franisz Ginting

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives.It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

—Charles Darwin

I used to master 1.945 kanji. It began from mastering one kanji, though. Yet, I need to keep practicing them in order to remember all of those kanji because I’m unlike Wolfgang Hadamitzky and Mark Spahn who authored The Kanji Dictionary and became kanji gurus.

Anyway, soon I will be going to Dominican Republic with my wife. She will study ophthalmology, and perhaps I will study audiology. Imagine: I graduated from Japanese language faculty, and will study Spanish to be an audiologist! Indeed, my wife is a medical student and a doctor, yet she also knows nothing about Spanish! It’s kinda being robbed when you study new things, while the old stuffs still on your bag.

We do speak English, and it is fine already to travel the world only with English. Mastering English is mastering the world. And my neighbor said that mastering Latin, mastering the languages—because all major languages were derived from Latin. I love Latin language, too. Yet, Spanish is one new challenge to learn! But, me and my wife will try anyway.

Why Americans are smart? Because since they were children, they have learned English. You know, we Indonesians usually speak more than two or three languages. My mother-in-law learned Batak Karo language. She’s a Javanese, which is hard to study Karonese language. But, she did manage to learn and master it, even has become more likely as a Karonese! While me and my wife able to speak four (or more) languages: Javaese, Bataknese (Batak Toba and Karo), Sundanese, Indonesian, Japanese, and English. And now we will have to study Spanish.

If Viktor E. Frankl—a psychologist—could learn new things and become a pilot; if a friend of mine, Lincoln Ali, who studied international relations, could study abroad and learn to skiing; if Jim Whittaker—a climber—could sail across and explore the sea; then we can learn new things or languages, too!

Anyway, shall I leave the 1.945 kanji? Should I forget my English? Not necessarily. We can use our old knowledge due in time needed. My wife said that there’s a man who is able to speak in 17 different languages! Is it possible? I wonder. But, if a man could fly a plane, if a genius could master every math’s formulas, then someone could be a master in language. And you gotta be in love with language in order to master many languages. But, the most important thing that I long to master is the eloquence of beauty of languages.

Leave your comfort zone. When you want to learn new language, sometimes it also means to be away from the same language community. You cannot be advance in studying new fruits of tongue if you stay with the same people who sing the same old song.

Learning new languages also requires new attitude—a readiness to face new things. Fear not of losing your old languages, but of not becoming flexible. The greatest enemy is oneself, and the deepest prison is the prison of the mind. The important thing you should conquer and free from is yourself and your mind in learning new languages. After all, it is better for you to change your attitude first before you learn new language. If you are approaching with new attitude, then learning new language will come easy. I did't say that learning new language will be easy. But, your heart will love to learn.

Posted by Franisz Ginting

I asked for Strength.........
And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for Wisdom.........
And God gave me Problems to solve.

I asked for Prosperity.........
And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.

I asked for Courage.........
And God gave me Danger to overcome.

I asked for Love.........
And God gave me Troubled people to help.

I asked for Favors.........
And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted ........
I received everything I needed!

-from: Inspiring stories-www.indianchild.com-


Posted by Franisz Ginting

If Hee Ah Lee can Play Piano with her four fingers and has her concert around the world..
If a blind-amazing kid can play video games, skate, run, etc and live his life normally..
Do you still doubt the miracles?

God works!!
The best news is He works even through our weaknesses..

What Will He Say?

Posted by Franisz Ginting

She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord's feet, listening to His word.

―Luke 10:39

What were You saying, Lord, so that Maria sat close at Your feet? So that Maria was willingly to listen every words You said. I guess You have plenty to sayYour Word. That is why it’s true that how our attitudes toward You, Lord Jesus, may determines our altitude towards Your Wordthe Bible.

What can make a woman really listen to you or read your writings? I think it’s confidence, enthusiasm, and energy. Although women also listen to men’s grief, they’re really captured in that three matters. That is why I can’t barely imagine Lord Jesus woke up every morning without excitement.

The love of two people who truly love each other is better than the love of the whole world for a one person. How is your heart now moved by His Word? Does it lift you up? Do you still love Him? Because He still and always loves you. Back to what you felt at first.

Now confidence and energy doesn’t mean we should always be enthusiastic in appearance. But, in our spirit, our voice, and our conviction. Writer Maya Angelou doesn’t look enthusiastic in appearance or motion, yet her deep convicted voice shows enthusiasm!

What if right now Jesus is sitting next to you in your bed? And you are sitting close at His feet? Sitting next to His feet is talking about humbleness before Him. He is God, willing to sit next to you. What is He sayingwriting?