Dan engkau, anak manusia, janganlah takut melihat mereka maupun mendengarkan kata-katanya, biarpun engkau di tengah-tengah onak dan duri dan engkau tinggal dekat kalajengking. Janganlah takut mendengarkan kata-kata mereka dan janganlah gentar melihat mukanya, sebab mereka adalah kaum pemberontak. Sampaikanlah perkataan-perkataan-Ku kepada mereka, baik mereka mau mendengarkan atau tidak, sebab mereka adalah pemberontak… Seperti batu intan, yang lebih keras dari pada batu Kuteguhkan hatimu; janganlah takut kepada mereka dan janganlah gentar melihat mukanya, sebab mereka adalah kaum pemberontak. Selanjutnya firman-Nya kepadaku: "Hai anak manusia, perhatikanlah segala perkataan-Ku yang akan Kufirmankan kepadamu dan berikanlah telingamu kepadanya. Mari, pergilah dan temuilah orang-orang buangan, teman sebangsamu, berbicaralah kepada mereka dan katakanlah: Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH; baik mereka mau mendengarkan atau tidak."
─Yehezkiel 2:6-7; 3:9-11
It is rare a writer who is afraid. A traitor always fears, but a good writer, I seldom to acknowledge him or her is afraid. He or she just tells (write) what God has told them to say (v. 2:7). The outcome or the response from the readers depends on their decision, not on the writer.
A traitor writer is the one who is writing no truth. But, we should rejoice about this. For the defenders will come and write the truth. So, the gospel may be spread and shared to people as many as from the traitor writer. Henry D. Thoreau said, “Rather than peace, than love, than money, give me truth.”
A traitor writer is also the one who doesn’t write what he supposes to write or what God has told him or her to say. He or she is also not eager or lazy to write it. He or she doesn’t use his and her energy. Sometimes rasa kenyang (feel stuffed) is only in your mind─so is with laziness. First you lead your mind, then it leads you.
On the contrary, a good and a great writer is never afraid. Although he or she is not in fears-free life, he or she faces the fear. Good or great writers are not afraid whether in their writings or in their life. They just write what God ordered them to do and what they suppose to write (v. 2:6-7; 3:9-10). An Arabian proverb says, “A brave man dies only once. A coward dies a thousand times.” A traitor writer is always afraid. A good and great writer is never afraid.
This entry was posted
on August 25, 2009
at Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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